Curtis Roads

Legend has it that Dennis Allison, Bob Albrecht, and John Snellconceived Computer Music Journal in 1976. I arrived on the scene in 1978 to become Editor of Computer Music Journal at PCC. There is much to be said for working in a small collective as opposed to working in large institution. Computer Music Journal, however, was not self-supporting at PCC. When PCC sold the Journal to the MIT Press in 1980, I went to MIT with it. For about six years I was the sole editorial employee. It would be difficult to calculate the hours that I put into the publication. Fortunately, Computer Music Journal continues to be success story. Now in its 25th year, CMJ is a rare example of a self-sustaining academic music journal with a paid editorial staff.

I retired from the editorial staff in 2000, after 23 years. My new book Microsound is being published by the MIT Press in September 2001, and I am quite active in composing and teaching computer music techniques.

Curtis Roads

CONTACT Curtis Roads
Last Modified: Mon Aug 27 14:53:20 2001